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St. Joseph's devotee

Sv. Josip RadnikŽeljko Kunej, St. Joseph’s devotee, is a tetraplegic from the age of 14. In 1959 he injured his neck spine during the dive in the Sava river in Zagreb, and became a disabled person,Kraljevica, travanj 1991 tied to the wheelchair for the past 42 years. Željko was also stationed in the orthopedic clinic in Kraljevica for 30 years, and despite his inability to control his hands his spirit was always alive, he was constantly working on something and was interested in many things. Despite his condition, his desire was to contribute to the wellbeing of the  society. He has had many hobbies: chess and building of amateur  astronomic telescopes. He also designed reflectors  and refractors. For the design of the best 80/1200 telescope-refractor, a lens was donated by Carl Zeiss corporation from Germany.

Helpfullness of the disabled he also proved abroad. US based associations of disabled and amateur astronomers have shown a picture of his works to David Levy, a CanadianAmateur telescope-refractor 80/1200 discoverer of the many comets (also the well-known “Shoemaker-Levy 9”, which stroke Jupiter in 1994). Since 1991, Željko has been stationed in the “Home for Elderly and Disabled” in Drenovačka street in Zagreb.Zeljko in his room with telescopes and computer He is interested in computers, programming and he likes to play chess.

He believes the easiness that he is feeling despite the pain and disablement, is a result of the Holy catholic religion. The gifts and deeds of God are strenghth, humility and patience.

"NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH" -  "The Masters of  Rehabilitation"

star  "I guess that the very fact that I am alive should make it into the Nothing but the Truth  show,” says Zeljko Kunej. At 56 he is the oldest quadriplegic he knows. And the only one who can walk the skies above and not move an inch from his room, situated in one of Zagreb’s old people’s homes. He is a self-taught builder of telescopes. He is also a chess champion and has his own Internet page."


Zeljko and telescope


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